quarta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2021

Demonstração de pintura com tintas de terra

Uma demonstração de algumas cores da marca Sela Tintas de terra sobre canson 300grs, as tintas foram dissolvidas com água e cola branca, a textura da mistura ficou firme, as cores são resistentes e duráveis! As tintas estão à venda na loja Bemglo.com e comigo no whats 55 +61 99858 1320 Pensa num presente diferente e com propósito e para todas as idades! Sela Tintas de terra ®

Sela Tintas de terra® are natural, eco-friendly paints containing safe ingredients; the paints are manufactured, used, and disposed of in ways that are kinder to the environment, and the materials used in painting can be cleaned by simply washing in a regular sink. The packaging and paper used to advertise the product are all recyclable. Natural paints have soft colors that provide a cozy feeling for artistic painting. They are beautiful gifts to encourage one to paint or intended for those who already paint to try a “new” and stimulating material.

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